Branded by God's love to better understand His purpose.
Connect with the SVCC family! We have ministries for all life stages and a variety of interests. We encourage you to become involved to the extent you feel led. We believe that growth happens together. Our desire is that you allow God to brand you with His love so that you can fulfill His purpose.
Empowered and commissioned to go make disciples.
We believe The Church has a mission to seek and save all who are lost in sin. We support Assemblies of God missionaries all over the world, as well as, minister to our local community through various outreaches.

Welcome Home.
Although many cowboys and cowgirls attend Shepherd’s Valley, folks come from every background and walk of life. If you like to rub elbows with down-to-earth people, and you want clear, simple sermons you can actually understand and apply to your life, then you will fit right in.

Training authentic disciples in Christ.
Shepherd's Valley Cowboy Church is a place for rural America to call home. We have a casual atmosphere, friendly people, great worship and fresh coffee. There will be volunteers ready to greet you and answer any questions you have. Please stop by our Welcome Kiosk on Sunday morning-We would love to get to know you!
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Service Times:
8 and 10 am
6-8 pm: Kids, youth and College and Career
6 pm: Prayer
7-8 pm: Adult Bible Study
8 and 10 am
6-8 pm: Kids, youth and College and Career
6 pm: Prayer
7-8 pm: Adult Bible Study